Raynaud Toes


Raynaud phenomenon

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Raynaud phenomenon is a condition in which the body's normal response to cold or emotional stress is exaggerated, resulting in abnormal spasms (vasospasms) in small blood vessels called arterioles. The disorder mainly affects the fingers but can also involve the ears, nose, nipples, knees, or toes. The vasospasms reduce blood circulation, leading to discomfort and skin color changes. 

Raynaud phenomenon is episodic, meaning that it comes and goes. A typical episode lasts about 15 minutes after the cold exposure or stressor has ended and involves mild discomfort such as numbness or a feeling...


My toes can be pain level 10 at times within a 10 minute span.

At other times, I sit and am conscious of wiggling my toes almost constantly. PL 4

There is no effect on my fingers.

Duration - last five years.

From January 2022, the general PL 8 affected both big toes.

In February, the main bout of pain was soon after going to bed.  Being 6 ft means that the end blanket area bore down on the toes.

Action - install a bed cage.


This one was bought and the blankets run from the pillow and over the mattress and tuck in under the feet. Good.

Cure?  Have tried everything listed here to no avail.

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More    I wear two pairs of climbing-grade socks over normal socks every night.

Tried Amytryptiline here.  Click the side effects button.

If all fails ask a gardener.

Image result for foot cage for bed



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